Florida Water

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Florida Water is a delightfully scented cologne has a base of alcohol in addition to the essential oils blended like lemon, orange oil, ylang ylang and lavender. Florida Water is used for anything from curing a headache to keeping negative energies at bay.
There’s a multitude of ways to incorporate florida water into your daily practices, such as:
-Wear on your body to fight anxiety, depression and sadness.
-A purification and blessing floorwash (mix some Florida Water into your usual mopping water)
-For a feeling a balance and protection (after your bath, dry off and dab some Florida Water on your crown, neck, heart, and feet)
-Balance the energies at work by keeping some near your desk. (Fill a spray bottle with Florida Water and rose oil to keep kind, loving energies around you)
Florida Water is used to remove negative energy, heavy vibrations, and encourages the healthy expression of emotions. This is especially good after arguments, coming in contact with negative people and those who have empathic abilities
*Sage and Palo Santo bundles not included